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April 11, 2023

Submit nominations for the Annual Non-Flying Awards - Nominations are closed for the 2022 season

Each year, the membership of the IAC nominates outstanding volunteers to be recognized for their contribution to the sport of aerobatics. This is an excellent…

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April 10, 2023

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023 will include a full roster of forums in the IAC’s Vicki Cruse Educational Pavilion at the IAC Aerobatic Center. The forums are scheduled daily from Tuesday, July 25, through Friday, July 28, 2023, and run for approximately one hour and 15 minutes each.

A fantastic lineup of aerobatic and unusual attitude forums throughout the week are being planned. Everything from spins to the IAC Collegiate Program or exploring flying aerobatics in your homebuilt and recreational aerobatics will be covered. Hear from IAC Hall of Famers, competitors and Master CFIs,…

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April 7, 2023

Hello, IAC members, it is time to nominate our 2023 slate of officers and directors. Nominating petitions are due by April 14. Voting will be done electronically on the IAC website, beginning June 28, voting ends on July 25. New officers and directors will be installed at the close of the IAC Annual Membership Meeting at AirVenture in Oshkosh on July 28, 2023.

Positions to be filled are Vice President, Treasurer, and Class II directors (term expiring July 2023). Directors are elected "at large", not by region, and are then assigned a region after they're elected. If…

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File Attachment(s): Fm-IAC Nomination 2023.pdf
March 28, 2023

The FAA has created a working group to review almost 200 processes and find ways of reducing workload and costs. One of those processes is how Aerobatic Practice Areas are approved and they have asked us to help propose improvements. We have had some good discussions but really need some statistics from those that use the system.  

From you, we need to know how many Aerobatic Practice Areas you, or your chapter members, had in 2022. We need them broken down by short- and long-term APA’s even if the application was declined. We are on a short timeline, so your…

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March 20, 2023

By Cleta Sweeney, IAC 438225 

Sean loved the IAC. The first context I can think of was in 1974 when he qualified for nationals. He showed up in Sherman/Denison, Texas, without pre-registering. All the guys took him under their wing, and he had such a blast. 

Sean was born in July 1958 and lived an adventurous childhood, learning about the farm from his mother and learning aviation and engineering from his father. Relocating to the west, Sean met his high school crush, Cleta, whom he later married and enjoyed life with for over 40 years.

As teenagers…

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March 16, 2023

At a recent special meeting of the board of directors, on March 13, 2023, the feedback of many members led to a change in the newly adopted tech inspection process.  With this change the rule book was revised with two changes:

  1. Starters will no longer be asked to confirm with pilots that they have performed a pre-flight prior to each flight.
  2. Competitors will be given at least 30 minutes to prepare for their flight after any contest obligation.

"The only differences from the original 2023 rule book are in paragraphs 9.3 and 9.4 (pages 7 and 8), plus…

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March 13, 2023

International Aerobatics Day will be held on the fourth Saturday of June, in continuation of last two years successful events.  Mark your calendars and reserve June 24 for a worldwide celebration of aerobatic flight!

We ask all aerobatic enthusiasts to make plans to share their passion for the sport of aerobatics no matter where they live.

Watch for more information on International Aerobatics Day in the months ahead! There will be a wide variety of…

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March 10, 2023
IAC board member Greg Principato is retiring from the National Aeronautic Association (NAA), the governing body for all aviation records and competitions in the USA. 
Per the IAC bylaws, there are two Class III Directors on the board, which include an appointment of one EAA representative and one NAA representative.  Greg has served on the IAC Board since 2017.
"I know we will all miss working with Greg.  He completes his term on September 15." said Jim Bourke IAC President. Below is the official…
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February 22, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Judges Revalidation & Currency Exam.

All IAC Grading Judges must pass this test to qualify for judging in the current calendar year.

The intent of the exam is educational, not to stump you. Each question includes a hint or hints, so we recommend taking the exam with a copy of this year's Official Contest Rules at hand. 

Visit: …

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February 22, 2023
The 2023 edition of the IAC Contest Rules is now available to members at: 
Most of the changes are a direct result of IAC members' input.  Twenty-Seven proposals were submitted by members.  After these were published last fall, other members provided valuable comments.  The Rules Committee discussed each proposal and associated comments in depth, then provided recommendations to the IAC Board of Directors.  Additional changes were also made directly by the Board.  After…
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