Hall of Fame 1988 Mike Murphy

1988 Mike Murphy

By Dr. Richard Rihn

Each pilot who flies aerobatics owes a debt to those pioneers who preceeded us. No one of us created the knowledge we now display without having the hard earned lessons of our predecessors given to us by someone, in some manner. Many of these pioneers have been honored by induction into the International Aerobatics Hall of Fame. These short biographical sketches will help each of us to better understand the roots from which we spring.

1987 Hall of Fame Curtis Pitts


A Grand Night

By Jean Sorg


Inspriational. Moving. It was an historical night to remember.


The date was August 10, 1987. The occasion was the very first induction ceremonies into the newly-created Aerobatics Hall of Fame. The place was the beautiful EAA Aviation Center complex in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.