President's Page - November 2003

by Gerry Molidor, IAC 14825


Nothing is more special than being a part of our U.S. National Aerobatic Championships. Every time I visit the Grayson County Airport, aka the former Perrin Air Force Base, I reminisce what it must have been like back in the 1940s and ’50s when classes of self-motivated bright young pilots competed with each other to be the best in their class. Here we are more than 50 years later in the same place, and the same sort of thing is still happening.

President's Page - October 2003

by Gerry Molidor, IAC 14825

Venture into the Unknown

In the third week of October, the IAC and the rest of the EAA divisions will hold their board meetings in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The meetings are coming less than a month after our U.S. Nationals, and these activities are keeping things hopping at our Oshkosh office. We have a positive forward momentum going within our organization, and I intend to continue building on our refreshed direction.

President's Page - September 2003

by Gerry Molidor, IAC 14825

Future Challenges

Now that the World Aerobatic Championships (WAC) and EAA AirVenture are successfully behind us, we are in the process of refocusing the club’s energy to deal with the challenges of the future. Fulfilling membership expectation through education and social means tops my list. Another important issue is that of noise complaints, not only with aerobatics, but also with sport aviation in general. A long-term strategy to deal with noise complaints must be developed to successfully deal with these issues.

President's Page - May 2003

by Gerry Molidor, IAC 14825

Situational Awareness

The big picture

I’m pleased to announce that Anheuser-Busch will be the presenting sponsor of the World Aerobatic Championships (WAC). Since assuming the office of IAC president last summer, I have been struggling to close the gap in the WAC’s budget, and I’m very happy to say that my very good friends at Anheuser-Busch have helped me to make sure this will be a first-class international event.

President's Page - April 2003

by Gerry Molidor, IAC 14825

The Leading Edge

We all move forward on their wings

It might have been that time when your uncle flew his 172 to town for Thanksgiving and let you take the yoke as you flew over your house.

It might have been that spring afternoon you spent sitting in the field watching the returning mallards and Canada geese set their wings…twist and turn and work the wind…then drop, soft as feathers, onto the farm pond.