Series Map | Series Information| Series Contest Updates | Results
Participants in each Region must fly in at least three IAC Sanctioned contests during the year (In the NW Region, two out of the possible three contests must be flown – the Canadian contest will be allowed). If you fly in more than three, your highest scores will be used to arrive at your Total %.
All pilots are entered in the Regional Series annually. There are no entry fees for the series and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place decals are given in each category (Primary – Unlimited) in each of the six regions.

The IAC awards first, second, and third place titles in all categories in each region. Titles given identify the series champion in each respective region – Mid-America Regional Series Champion, South West Regional Series Champion, North East Regional Series Champion, etc.
As always, if you have any questions regarding this program, please don’t hesitate to contact IAC Headquarters at 920-426-6574 or e-mail