Judges Schools

Any current member, editor,  or Judges School instructor may create a Judges School record. This record contains the date, location, type (Intro vs Advanced), instructor, and a list of students.

When someone creates a Judges School record the system sends an email to the Judges Chair, who may make  edits, notably assigning an instructor if none was specified by the person requesting the course.

After the class is over, the instructor will log into the IAC web server, open the Judges School record, enter the students' names, and save the record.

The web site matches student names against our membership records. This allows us to directly link the Judges School record with the member record, and we use that information to assess the students' progress towards becoming a Regional or National Judge, and recurrency status for existing judges. However a student may take the class prior to becoming an IAC member, therefore the Judges School record includes a separate field to record non-member student names. Once they become a member the Judges Chair or a site administrator can update the Judges School record to link the student to their membership record.

Technical Details

I have created a Judges School content type

So I created a custom template for the Judges School node type by copying our base theme's node.tpl.php template file to $D7/sites/www.iac.org/themes/iac3/node--judges-school.tpl.php that does the following:

  • Retrieves the coordinator's User and Profile2 record
  • Appends the User->mail and Profile2->phone fields to the user's name so that they all display on one line, e.g., "John Does / john.doe@gmail.com / (303) 555-1212".
  • Suppresses the output of the address2, city, state, zip_code, and country fields
  • Appends the values address2, city, state, zip_code, and country fields to the street_address field so that it all displays on one line, e.g.: "123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Anytown, NY 98765 USA".