Using Colorbox

Colorbox is a JQuery plug-in that will expand a thumbnail image to full size when clicked. We use the colorbox module to bridge between Drupal and the plug-in.

Here's how to add a colorbox image to a web page:

  1. Create a new page via Content/Add, or edit an existing page.
  2. In the WYSIWYG window (the one that looks like a Microsoft Word toolbar), click the toolbar's Add media icon ().
  3. Click on the Choose File button and select a file from your local drive.
  4. Click on the Submit button.
  5. In the Format drop-down box, choose Preview.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
  7. Click (once) on the resulting image.
  8. Click the toolbar's Link button ().
  9. In the URL box, type: /files/image-name.jpg where image-name.jpg is the filename you just uploaded. Allowable image formats are JPG, PNG and GIF.
  10. Click on the Advanced tab.
  11. In the Advisory Title box, type: Click to Expand
  12. In the Stylesheet Classes box, type: colorbox
  13. Click the OK button.