Member Comment on US National Championship Flights

The Board of Directors is requesting member comment on changes to our Policy and Procedures (P&P) Manual regarding U.S. National Championship flights and team selection for Unlimited competitors. The following motions will be submitted to the Board for vote at the March Board of Directors meeting to be held in Chicago March 26-27. Since Section 504 of the IAC P&P requires a Member Comment period, we are requesting your comments. Please direct any comments either to IAC Secretary Scott Poehlmann at or to the IAC Board at

It should be emphasized that these changes to the P&P are really housekeeping items that reflect the practices we have been following for the last few years. A current copy of the P&P can be downloaded in the members only section of the IAC website.

MOTION 1: 4-Minute Freestyle

The current text requires Unlimited competitors to fly the 4-Minute Free (weather permitting) in order to be named the U.S. National Champion and to be eligible for the U.S. Aerobatic Team. This policy was made because CIVA was going to require the 4-minute to be flown in world competitions and we did not want to put our team aspirants at a disadvantage at the world level; however, that CIVA proposal has been defeated.

The Board has motioned to alter the P&P as follows:

To change Section 503, Subsection 2 (d) (2) to remove the 4-Minute Freestyle as a required flight and make it a separate trophy event. Unlimited competitors attending the US National Championships will be invited to participate in this event as outlined in the Rules in this section.


Further, to change Policy and Procedure Manual Section 504, Subsection 2 (c) (1) (d) to remove sub-paragraph (5) which requires the 4-Minute Freestyle Program to be used to determine a pilot’s eligibility for the U.S. Aerobatic Unlimited Team.

MOTION 2: Second Team Selection Contest

The P&P also requires the IAC to run a SECOND Team Selection contest to determine eligibility for the U.S. Aerobatic Unlimited Team.

The Board has motioned to alter the P&P as follows:

To change the Section 504 Subsection (2) (c) (1) (a) to delete reference to a second Unlimited Team Selection Contest.


To change Section 504 Subsection (2) (c) (1) (d) to delete reference to using scores from a second contest in determining a pilot’s eligibility for the U.S. Aerobatic Unlimited Team."


To change Subsection (2) (c) (1) (e) to delete reference to using scores from a second contest in determining a pilot’s eligibility for the U.S. Aerobatic Unlimited Team to read: "Whatever flights are actually completed at the end of the competition will determine a pilot’s qualification for the U. S. Unlimited Team. However, at least one Known flight and at least one Unknown flight must be flown. This means a minimum of two flights (1 Known, 1 Unknown) must be flown before the selection process is considered complete.”