Linda Meyers Morrissey to be inducted into the IAC Hall of Fame

Linda has stood on the podium at World Aerobatic Championships many times representing the United States in her career. Her international finishes were impressive with a 4th place at the World Aerobatic Masters Tournament in 1984 and a 3rd place female at the 1994 WAC in Debrecen, Hungary, 5th overall, and consistent and numerous individual flight medals. She has been recognized by her peers with the Fond du Lac Cup in 1991, the Pitts Cup in 1992, the Betty Skelton Trophy in 1995, the Harold Krier Cup in 1992, and has won countless medals and regional awards in regional and national competition.

After Linda’s retirement in 1996 from Unlimited competition, her love for aerobatics continued. For more than 30 years, Linda has continued to train, critique, and coach aerobatic pilots from basic maneuvers to Unlimited. Throughout the year, she and her husband, John Morrissey, hold the Great Plains Aerobatics Training Camps in Ashland, Kansas, as well as around the United States at pilots’ home fields. The quality of her training speaks for itself with the successes of all of winners she has trained in every category. Linda has spent a lifetime training others not only for competition, but also to produce safer pilots.

"I am convinced that my own success as a three-time U.S. National champion and sixteen-year member of the U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team can be tied directly to Linda through her coaching," said IAC Director Emeritus Debby Rihn Harvey.

In addition to training camps, Linda has been a National Judge for many years and has helped teach judging at schools across the United States. Her expertise in judging is well-known and she has been a valuable member of the Nationals cadre of judges. 

Linda attends regional contests and never fails to step up wherever needed. She knows the ins and outs of running contests and quickly can spot what needs to be handled, volunteer, and help. She deserves this recognition for all of her expertise in handling any contest problems that may arise, and her dedication to training the next-gen aerobatic pilots.