2022 R&C Judge Exam available

Hi All.
The 2022 R&C Exam is now available: https://www.iac.org/exam/2022-judges-revalidation-currency-exam.

If you prefer to work on paper, a PDF version is also available: https://www.iac.org/files/judges/2022%20Judges%20Revalidation%20&%20Currency%20Exam.pdf, but you will still need to enter your answers using the online version.

In accordance with P&P 214, all judges are now considered "lapsed" until they pass the exam... with the exception of the judging crew at this week's Estrella contest, who received special dispensation because the event falls so early on the calendar. Complete judge currency requirements can be viewed at: https://www.iac.org/files/images/CurrencyFlowchart.png

Many thanks to "crash test dummies" Wes Liu, Dave Watson, Barrett Hines, and Jim Bourke for their detailed reviews and suggestions.

DJ Molny, Judges Program Chair
International Aerobatic Club, Inc.