2019 Annual Awards Nominations

It’s that time of year again when we can acknowledge and express thanks and gratitude to our generous volunteers.  We honor these volunteers with the following five awards for the 2019 flying season:

Frank Price Cup: The purpose of this award is to recognize the person who has contributed the most to the sport of aerobatics in the previous year. It was created to recognize outstanding individuals in aerobatics and in honor of aerobatic pioneer Frank Price, the first American to compete in the World Aerobatic Championships.

Robert L. Heuer Award: The Award is given annually for outstanding performance as an aerobatic judge during the contest year. General guidelines, though not requirements, for the award include National Judgeship and having judged a minimum of three contests, one of which should have been the IAC Championships or the U. S. Nationals.

Kathy Jaffe Volunteer Award: This award recognizes an outstanding volunteer during the previous year.  The award was donated in memory of Kathleen Jaffe.

Harold E. Neumann Award: The family of Harold E. Neumann has provided the permanent trophy in 1998 to recognize the outstanding chief judge and to honor the name of Harold E. Neumann.

Curtis Pitts Memorial Trophy: This award was donated by the Pitts family in the memory of Curtis Pitts.  The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding contribution to aerobatics through product design.

More information regarding each awards can be found at: https://www.iac.org/legacy/non-flying-awards

Deadline will be in June 1, 2020. Nominations can be made here:  https://www.iac.org/award-nomination-form.   Please go to the nomination form to submit your volunteer.  I cannot accept personal emails sent directly to me.

I’ll try to send reminders and touch a little more in depth on each award in future reminders.  In the meantime, read about last year's recipients: https://www.iac.org/2018-annual-volunteer-awards

Patty Anderson, IAC Annual Awards Chair