IAC Election 2019 - Nominations Sought

Director/Officer Nominations Sought

If you or an IAC member you know is interested in running for an officer or director position, here are the item's you'll need to do so:

1. Candidate Petition Form with 10 current IAC members' signatures; download the attachment below. Note members can sign separate petition forms and e-mail them after they have printed, signed and scanned it. All names do not have to be placed on one form. Email endorsements will NOT be accepted; it must be on the petition form.

2. Current photo e-mailed as a jpeg

3. Resume/Bio that must be less than 800 words. 

The Nominations Chair must receive the above before the deadline April 12, 2018. Send completed petitions to: Doug Sowder, 118E High Dr., Spokane, WA 99203-2757. Cell Phone: (509) 220-8206. Or email: dougsowde[at]gmail.com

Positions needing to be filled this year are Vice President, Treasurer and four directors.

Descriptions, qualifications and duties of officers and directors may be found in the IAC Bylaws.

Nominations Chair, Doug Sowder



File Attachments