IAC Rules Committee Issues Final Recommendations

The deadline for rules proposals for the 2015 contest year was September 1st and since that date, the IAC Rules Committee, under the direction of Chairman Brian Howard, has been busy reviewing the proposals, voting, and preparing their final recommendations to the Board of Directors. 

IAC members are now invited to direct their comments on the IAC Rules Committee's recommendations to the IAC Director who represents their Region.  Attached below, for download, are PDF's with the Rules Committee's report and the latest listing of regional assignments with contact information for your Directors. 

The Board of Directors will need your comments before they meet in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on 12-13 November.  The report of the Rules Committee will be reviewed and discussed in detail at that time, member comments considered, and a final vote on which rules proposals will be enacted and take effect on the 1st of January, 2015. 

In the report, the rules changes recommended by the Committee are explained and changes noted.  As an appendix to the report, those proposals which were rejected by the Committee are also listed, along with the reasons they were not recommended to the Board. 

Please take an opportunity to read and comment on the proposals -- something every IAC member is invited to do.