Chapter 61 will have members and 2 aircraft on display on 3 June for Youth Aviation day/National Aerobatic Day at Creve Coeur airport (1H0).

IAC Chapter 61 is participating the Youth Aviation Day at Creve Coeur Airport (1H0) in Maryland Heights, Missouri. They will be bringing two aerobatic aircraft to display and hand out IAC flyers and contact information for their contest in August, the Giles Henderson Memorial Challenge.
"We think this will give us more exposure and promote aerobatics to a larger audience than a dedicated event on 26 June at an airport that few visit, " Said John Housley, IAC 61 President.
The Youth Aviation Day is hosted by Gateway Youth Aeronautical Foundation. It includes an aviation career fair, airplane and helicopter displays, Young Eagles Flights, and flight simulators. For more information about Gateway visit their website:
Event Type
Dates and Times
Saturday, June 3, 2023 - 03:00 - Saturday, June 3, 2023 - 12:00