Aerobatic Dedication Annual and Lifetime Achievement Award

At their 2022 spring meeting, the IAC Board of Directors approved a new trophy and recognition program, proposed by Director Bob Freeman, to recognize our most active members.  Some have dubbed this the "IAC Frequent Flyers Program".  
Details can be found in P&P 201 Revision 31 - Achievement Awards Program 31 (IAC website governance documents - Member login required.)

Fill out the application form to apply. Make checks payable to International Aerobatic Club to and mail:

IAC Headquarters / Achievement Award Application
PO Box 3086
Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

Recipients: Aerobatic Dedication Annual Awards

Year Contests Name
2006   9 Todd Whitmer
2007 7 Todd Whitmer, Paul Lopez
2008  9 Joe Haycraft
2009 8 Michael Ponso
2010 11 Michael Ponso
2011 8 Charles Cohen, Craig Gifford
2012 11 Mark Steward
2013 8 Bill Denton, Craig Gifford, John Howell, Kathleen Howell                                                
2014 9 Charles Cohen
2015 10 Jim Bourke
2016 9 Jim Bourke
2017 9 Shaun Brautigan
2018 9 Susan Bell
2019 9 Vibeke Gaard
2020 4 Doug Jenkins - reduced contests due to COVID-19
2021 11 Sean Moran


Phillip Gragg


Dave Barbet, Jerry Esquenazi, Barret Hines, James Spaller, David Taylor, Thomas Thomason, Dave Watson


Recipients: Aerobatic Dedication Lifetime Awards

Bronze Level 50-69 contests Contests   Name
Time period - since 2006 69 Steve Johnson                                                                            
  69 Mike Eggen
  66 Stan Moye
63 Mike Forney
  60 Jerry Riedinger
  57 Howard Kirker


Weston Liu
  55 James Wells


Ron Mann


Weston Liu
Silver Level >70 contests 79 Marty Flournoy
Time period - since 2006 72 Barrett Hines
  70 Howard Kirker
Gold Level >90 contests 100 Hugo Ritzenthaler
Time period - since 2006 100 Thomas Myers
Platinum level >110 contests    
Time period - since 2006


Dave Watson


Updated 04-12-24 LP